Near net shaping processes are receiving increased attention for manufactur
ing low cost, reliable ceramics. Low pressure injection moulding (LPIM) is
a suitable forming procedure that allows the production of complex shaped p
arts by using aqueous suspensions, with interesting economic and environmen
tal benefits. lit the present work, aqueous Al2O3 slips were prepared and c
haracterised for LPIM, focusing on their rheological properties not only at
room temperature, but also at the injection temperatures (up to 70 degrees
C), as well as on the influence of the homogenisation procedure. Agarose (
1 wt-%) was added as gelating binder. Injection was performed at temperatur
es of 55, 60, and 70 degrees C, and the resulting green pieces were charact
erised in terms of density, shrinkage, and microstructure. BCT/369. (C) 200
0 IoM Communications Ltd.