Background: Anticholinergic medications have been utilized frequently prior
to bronchoscopy and are thought to facilitate the drying of secretions to
limit the amount of required topical anesthetic on the airway mucosa, preve
nt cardiac arrhythmias during the procedure, and increase patient comfort.
Objective: To determine if atropine or glycopyrrolate, two anticholinergic
agents utilized most frequently in this setting, have any significant role
for this purpose.
Design: Double-blind, placebo-controlled study, in which patients were rand
omly selected to receive atropine (0.01 mg/kg body weight, IM injection), g
lycopyrrolate (0.005 mg/kg, IM injection), or saline solution placebo (appr
oximately 2 mL, IM injection) 15 to 45 min prior to being sedated with mida
zolam until judged to be lightly sedated.
Setting: A large academic teaching hospital in the midwestern United States
Participants: Two hundred seventeen outpatients referred for bronchoscopy w
ho satisfied inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Measurements and results: Using a modified visual analog scale (0 to 100 mm
), the bronchoscopist and the nurse anesthetist estimated the antisialagogi
c effect, effectiveness in cough suppression, and overall patient comfort d
uring the procedure. The patients completed a similar questionnaire after r
ecovering from the procedure. Patients were also monitored for complication
s (cardiac arrhythmias, oxygen desaturation, hypertension, wheezing, or cou
ghing severe enough to curtail the procedure), There was no significant dif
ference found among atropine, glycopyrrolate, and placebo for the primary e
nd point of secretion control. In addition, there was no difference found b
etween either medication and placebo for effectiveness of cough suppression
, amount of topical anesthetic used, complication rates, or overall patient
Conclusion: The use of anticholinergic agents prior to bronchoscopy did not
affect performance of bronchoscopy or complication rates, and there was no
appreciable benefit from the resultant reduction in airway secretions in a
population of patients receiving concurrent sedation with benzodiazepines.