In this paper, a simple and easy nondestructive evaluation procedure is pre
sented for identifying a crack, the location and size of the crack, in a on
e-dimensional beam-type structure using the natural frequency data. The fir
st procedure is to find the lowest four natural frequencies of the cracked
structure by F.E.M. Then, the approximate crack location is obtained by Arm
on's Rank-ordering method that uses the above four natural frequencies. Sec
ond, by applying the result of the crack position range, an appropriate F.E
.M. model is adopted and the crack size is determined by F.E.M. Finally, th
e actual crack location can be identified by Gudmundson's equation using th
e determined crack size and the aforementioned natural frequencies. The app
lication and accuracy of the proposed procedure can be demonstrated by mean
s of an example of the detection of a crack on the cantilever beam which wa
s tested and studied by Rites PF, Aspragathos N, Dimarogonas AD. Journal of
sound and vibration 1990; 138 (3): 381-388. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.
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