Facilitation of tree establishment by nurse shrubs, which ameliorate otherw
ise unfavorable microenvironmental conditions, is a widely studied phenomen
on. However. relatively little is known about how facilitative influences c
hange in relation to interannual climatic variability. In northern Patagoni
a, Argentina, we examined influences of potential nurse shrubs on the estab
lishment of the conifer Austrocedrus chilensis and assessed the significanc
e of those influences to establishment during years of contrasting climate.
We also experimentally investigated the effects of nurse shrubs and differ
ent water availability on tree seedling emergence and survival.
A strong spatial association of Austrocedrus juveniles with shrubs, both be
neath shrub canopies and near shrub canopies, indicates that shrubs favorab
ly influence tree regeneration and that in some habitats and time periods n
urse plants appear to be required for successful tree seedling establishmen
t. Protection from direct sunlight was the main factor contributed by shrub
s that enhanced the germination and survival of Austrocedrus. During the 19
95-1996 experiment, no seedlings survived in the unwatered interspaces betw
een shrubs, whereas maximal survival was obtained by watering seedlings at
shaded sites.
The results of this study indicate that in the Patagonian ecotone the Stren
gth of facilitative associations between shrubs and Austrocedrus juveniles
closely tracks annual climatic variability. During extremely warm dry years
, recruitment of Austrocedrus is nil with or without protection by nurse sh
rubs. During cool wet years, establishment may occur both beneath shrubs an
d in open interspaces: however, during average years, which are still years
with substantial drought stress, establishment of Austrocedrus appears to
require nurse shrubs.