Research at the University of Rochester (U of R) has been focused on mercur
y for nearly half a century. Initially studies focused on dosimetry, especi
ally the accuracy of measuring exposure, and experimental work with animal
models. Clinical studies in human populations started when the U of R mercu
ry group was asked to assist with dosimetry in the Iraq epidemic of 1971-19
72. Initial clinical studies described the effects of methylmercury (MeHg)
poisoning on adults and children. A dose-response curve for prenatal exposu
re was determined and it suggested that relatively low exposures might be h
armful to the fetus. Since most human exposure to MeHg is dietary from fish
consumption, these theoretical dangers had far-reaching implications. Afte
r Iraq, the Rochester team pursued exposure from fish consumption in both a
dults and children. Populations with high fish consumption were identified
in Samoa and Peru for studying adults and in Peru and the Seychelles island
s for studying children. The possible health threat to the fetus from mater
nal fish consumption quickly became the focus of research efforts. This pap
er reviews the Rochester experience in studying human exposure to MeHg from
fish consumption. (C) 2000 Academic Press.