This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between selected p
hysiological variables and 500-m flat-water kayak (K-500) performance. Nine
female, high-performance kayak paddlers, mean (SD) age 23 (5) years, parti
cipated in this investigation. Testing was conducted over 6 days and includ
ed anthropometric measurements (height, body mass and skinfolds), an increm
ental test to determine both peak (V) over dot O-2 and the "anaerobic thres
hold" (Th-an), and a 2-min, all-out test to calculate accumulated oxygen de
ficit (AOD). Blood lactate concentrations were measured during the incremen
tal test and at the completion of both tests. Subjects also completed a K-5
00 race under competition conditions. K-500 time was significantly correlat
ed with both peak (V) over dot O-2 (r = -0.82, P < 0.05) and the power outp
ut achieved at the end of the incremental test (r = -0.75, P < 0.05). Howev
er, the variable most strongly correlated with K-500 time was Th-an (r = -0
.89, P < 0.05). A stepwise multiple regression, for which r = 0.95 and the
standard error of estimate = 1.6 s, yielded the following equation: K(500)t
ime(s)= 160.6-0.154 x AOD . kg(-1) -0.250 x Th-an. In conclusion, the resul
ts of this study have demonstrated that although K-500 performance is a pre
dominantly aerobic activity, it does require a large anaerobic contribution
. The importance of both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems is reflec
ted by the K-500 time being best predicted by a linear combination of Th-an
and AOD . kg(-1). This suggests the need to develop and implement training
programmes that develop optimally both of these physiological attributes.
Further research is required to elucidate the most effective means by which
to develop both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.