We describe the case of a twenty-nine year-old woman presenting a lamellar
desquamation on the abdomen, submammary folds and on the limbs. During rece
nt years the patient suffered neither from bowel disorders, nor from drynes
s of the skin. Laboratory tests revealed high values of parathormone and a
high level of antiendomysial antibodies. The total bone-mineral density was
about 78% of normal levels. A duodenal mucous membrane specimen showed tot
al atrophy of the villi. Skin biopsy revealed an acquired ichthyosis mimick
ing an ichthyosis vulgaris.
The patient underwent a gluten-free diet, supported by folic acid and vitam
in D and six months later, after the regression of secondary hyperparathyro
idism, a remarkable improvement of the cutaneous symptoms was obtained.