The aetiology of sarcoidosis is still unknown, Environmental exposures are
believed to interact with genetic factors in determining the pattern of sar
coidosis presentation, progression and prognosis.
The frequency of serological polymorphism of immunoglobulin G heavy chain (
Gm) and kappa light chain (kappa m) markers in 107 patients with biopsy-pro
ven sarcoidosis and in 227 controls, and their interactions with histocompa
tibility leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I, II, and III markers, were studied
A "protective" effect of the Gm(3 5*) phenotype in the sarcoid group versus
controls (p-value for number of specificities tested (pc)=0.05, odds ratio
0.15) and a reduced frequency of Gm(3 23 5*) in patients with advanced che
st radiographic stage (Chi-squared two degrees of freedom)(chi(2)(2dr) 17.6
1, pc=0.0058) were observed. With reference to epistatic interactions, the
combination Cm(3 23 5*)/BfS had a "protective" effect towards stage II (chi
(2)(2dr) 13.86, pc=0.043), Finally, correspondence analysis defined two clu
sters: HLA-DR4, C4BQ0, Gm(1, 3, 17 23 5*, 21, 28) and BfF associated with s
tage II, and HLA-DR3, C4AQ0, kappa m(1) and Gm(3 23 5*) associated with sta
ge I.
These data further support the hypothesis that sarcoidosis results from an
interplay of environmental factors and genes, each contributing to the susc
eptibility/resistance to and/or the clinical heterogeneity of the disease,
In addition, these data provide the first evidence of an interaction betwee
n immunoglobulin G heavy chain/kappa light chain markers and histocompatibi
lity leukocyte antigen class III genes in a disease.