Acorns are an important wildlife food resource and seed source for oak rege
neration. Most acorn production studies note wide and consistent difference
s in acorn productivity among individuals, but none clearly demonstrate det
erminants of productivity. Acorn production by black, northern red, scarlet
, chestnut and white oak was measured from 1993 to 1997 in the southern App
alachians was measured and compared among species and individuals. To stand
ardize comparisons among different sized trees and simplify for use by fore
st managers, the number of acorns per tree were converted to the number/m(2
) BA (basal area). On average, white oak produced the most acorns and chest
nut oak the fewest. Northern red and white oak produced higher green weight
and dry biomass than the other three species. There was a significant posi
tive relationship between tree basal area and the number of acorns produced
per crown for all species (r(2) between 0.10 and 0.27). However, this is b
ecause larger trees have greater crown areas for producing acorns, and not
because they produce more acorns per unit area of crown. Alone, BA was sign
ificantly, positively correlated with the number of acorns/m(2) BA only in
black, northern red (p < 0.06) and white oak (not in scarlet or chestnut oa
k) but explained little of the variation in acorn production among individu
als. Trees less than or equal to 25 cm DBH of most species produced signifi
cantly fewer acorns/m(2) BA than their larger counterparts. However, many s
mall (<23 cm DBH) scarlet oaks originating from a 1967 clear-cut were proli
fic producers, whereas white oaks (<25 cm DBH) in the same stand were not.
Frequency of acorn production ranged from never to yearly among individuals
. Good producers (trees producing greater than or equal to 5-year species m
ean) composed 20% (chestnut oak) to 46% (northern red oak) of sample popula
tions but contributed disproportionately to the acorn crop in moderate and
good crop years. Good producers produced acorns more frequently and had mor
e acorns/m(2) BA on fruiting trees than did poor producers. However, in any
given year good and poor producers were similarly represented in the fruit
ing population. Hence, good producers could not be easily identified by the
presence of acorns during poor crop years, nor could poor producers be ide
ntified by an absence of acorns in good crop years. (C) 2000 Elsevier Scien
ce B.V. All rights reserved.