The Broadway area of the Cotswolds has been extensively investigated in an
attempt to delineate areas of slope instability, including 'relict' landsli
des, which may have been initiated under periglacial climatic conditions. I
t is, therefore, useful both in terms of the geomorphology and of the under
standing of the evolution of the area, to investigate the rates and timing
of any reactivation and subsequent movements of landslides in this area. Th
e remains of ridge and furrow cultivation can be seen extensively throughou
t the Cotswolds. This particular agricultural practice, which documentary e
vidence suggests dates back to Anglo-Saxon times (approximately 10th centur
y AD), has been disturbed in many places by slope movements. A detailed stu
dy of Parish Records and other local historical sources has revealed that r
idge and furrow cultivation ceased on Parliamentary Enclosure, which in thi
s area, occurred in 1771. Therefore, it is possible to identify patterns of
slope movement between these dates. Landslides have been identified by gro
und mapping and aerial photography, and can be divided into three categorie
s. Firstly, active landslides which are those which have shown evidence of
movement during the study period. Secondly, suspended landslides, which sho
w evidence of movement, but have not been observed to move during the study
period. In this context, this has been taken to mean landslides, which hav
e shown evidence of movement since 1771. Thirdly, relict landslides which h
ave shown no evidence of movement since 1771 and thus were probably active
under a different climatic regime. By incorporating historical data with th
e geomorphological survey it has been possible to identify areas of potenti
ally difficult ground for engineering geomorphological purposes.