Differentiation of hematopoietic progenitors into the B-lymphocytc lineage
requires co-ordination of a complex network of transcriptional regulators.
Lineage specificity is likely to result From combinatorial mechanisms of ge
ne regulation. Four general functions are mediated by transcription factors
in the differentiating pro-B cell. First, a cascade of B-cell-restricted t
ranscription Factors is upregulated. Second, genes involved in the specific
ation of other cell fates are repressed. Both activation and repression req
uire the participation of different classes of transcriptional regulators,
including proteins of the Ikaros family that can recruit chromatin-modifyin
g complexes. Third, the expression of genes that facilitate B-cell prolifer
ation and differentiation are activated, Lastly, genes required for recombi
nation are expressed and targeted to the immunoglobulin loci, thus initiati
ng the characteristic rearrangement of thr immunoglobulin genes. The intera
ctions and functions of transcription factors in pro-B-cell differentiation
are discussed.