The solute transport characteristics and biocompatibility of a new polysulf
one membrane (Polysulfone LS Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg, Germany)
has been established and compared for two different sizes of dialyser (1.3
and 1.8 m(2)). The in vivo small molecular clearance of the two sizes of di
alyser showed an overlap in performance. Neutropenia was slight and indepen
dent of the membrane area as were changes in C5a(des Arg). The membrane ind
uced neutrophil degranulation characterised by the release of elestase alph
a(1) inhibitor complex with time averaged values over 180 minutes related t
o membrane area (p=0.010). Heparin activity during dialysis with the membra
ne was within the therapeutic range necessary for anticoagulation (0.3-1.0
IU/ml), but despite this an increase in thrombin antithrombin III levels du
ring treatment was noted.
Polysulfone LS extends the range of polysulfone membranes available for cli
nical use and its performance is such that it may be considered as a membra
ne for the treatment of patients awaiting a transplant, or in whom use of t
he high flux therapies may be inappropriate.