Formal methods are used to improve the quality of complex computer software
by means of documenting system specifications in a precise and structured
manner, the most popular specification language for formal methods is Z. Ho
wever, based on classical set theory and classical logic, this mathematical
language can only deal effectively with well-defined problems. This is a d
isadvantage that classical set operators and classical predicate logic can
offer to formal methods. In this paper, the theory of fuzzy information gra
nulation is discussed with an attempt to build toward flexible formal softw
are specifications in which many aspects of human reasoning and natural lan
guage can be effectively addressed in mathematical terms. In other words, t
he tolerance of imprecision necessarily required in many real-life software
systems can be represented in the clear and structured mathematics of the
fuzzy information granulation theory within the extended framework of forma
l methods. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.