Forty-five per cent of first marriages in Ethiopia end in divorce within 30
years, and two-thirds of women who divorce do so within the first 5 years
of marriage. This paper looks at two factors that may have an impact on the
risk of divorce in Ethiopia: early age of first marriage, and childlessnes
s within the first marriage. Data used were from the 1990 National Family a
nd Fertility Survey conducted by the Government of Ethiopia. A total of 875
7 women of reproductive age (15-49) were analysed. Life table analysis was
used to determine the median age at first marriage, first birth and the med
ian duration of marriage. Cox models were analysed to determine the differe
ntials of divorce. The results of this analysis showed that both early age
at marriage and childlessness have a significant impact on the risk of divo
rce. An inverse relationship was found between age at marriage and risk of
divorce. Having a child within the first marriage also significantly reduce
d the risk of divorce. In addition, several cultural and socioeconomic vari
ables were significant predictors of divorce.