The Pikes Peak Steam Project was initiated in 1981 using vertical wells on
one hectare spacing. Emphasis later shifted to directional drilling, but no
horizontal wells have been used. Wells are initially steam stimulated, but
are drilled in three hectare inverted seven-spot patterns and eventually c
onverted to steam drive.
Performance at Pikes Peak has remained excellent since inception, with typi
cal early cycle SORs ranging from one to three and recoveries of up to 40%
OOIP before drive conversion. Project cumulative recovery is estimated to b
e over 50% and rising, as third quarter 1995 project performance was 1,330
m(3) oil/day from 117 wells.
Advantages at Pikes Peak of vertical or directional well development over h
orizontal well development are proposed and discussed. A vertical well stea
m stimulation process for bottom water areas is identified and evaluated.