A set of velocity profiles obtained in the James River estuary with an acou
stic Doppler current profiler was used in combination with the results of a
n analytic tidal model to depict the appearance of surface lateral flow con
vergences (av lar) during both flood and ebb stages of the tidal cycle. The
bathymetry of the estuary was characterized by a main channel and a second
ary channel separated by relatively narrow shoals. Lateral surface flow con
vergences appeared over the edges of the channels and were produced by the
phase lag of the flow in the channel relative to the shoals. Flood converge
nces developed in the late tidal stages and ebb convergences appeared soon
after maximum currents. Most of these convergences caused fronts in the den
sity field and flotsam lines that also appeared over the edges of the chann
el and that lasted <2 hours. The transverse flows associated with the conve
rgences were mostly in the same direction throughout the water column. Ln f
act, the vertically averaged flow produced the same convergence patterns as
those near the surface. The analytic tidal model reproduced well the timin
g and location of the convergences as observed in the James River. Model re
sults with different bathymetry emulated the results in other estuaries, e.
g., axial convergence in an estuary with a channel in the middle. This work
showed that the strength of lateral convergences along the estuary was pro
portional to the tidal amplitude and the channel steepness. It also suggest
ed that the convergences were produced mainly by the tidal flow interacting
with the channel-shoal bathymetry, i.e., that they did not require the pre
sence of density gradients. However, the analytic model underestimated the
magnitude of the convergences and did not account for vertical circulations
associated with fronts. The formation of fronts resulted from the interact
ion of the tidal flow with the bathymetry and the density field.