A common perception in the field of innovation is that large, incumbent fir
ms rarely introduce radical product innovations. Such firms tend to solidif
y their market positions with relatively incremental innovations. They may
even turn away entrepreneurs who come up with radical innovations, though t
hey themselves had such entrepreneurial roots. As a result, radical innovat
ions tend to come from small firms, the outsiders. This thesis, which we te
rm the "incumbent's curse" is commonly accepted in academic and popular acc
ounts of radical innovation. This topic is important, because radical produ
ct innovation is an engine of economic growth that has created entire indus
tries and brought down giants while catapulting small firms to market leade
rship. Yet a review of the literature suggests that the evidence for the in
cumbent's curse is based on anecdotes and scattered case studies of highly
specialized innovations. It is not clear if it applies widely across severa
l product categories. The authors reexamine the incumbent's curse using a h
istorical analysis of a relatively large number of radical innovations in t
he consumer durables and office products categories, In particular, the aut
hors seek to answer the following questions: (1) How prevalent is this phen
omenon? What percentage of radical innovations do incumbents versus nonincu
mbents introduce? What percentage of radical innovations do small firms ver
sus large firms introduce? (2) Is the phenomenon a curse that invariably af
flicts large incumbents in current industries? Is it driven by incumbency o
r size? and (3) How consistent is the phenomenon? Has the increasing size a
nd complexity of firms over time accentuated it? Does it vary across nation
al boundaries? Results from the study suggest that conventional wisdom abou
t the incumbent's curse may not always be valid.