Objective:To investigate the mechanism of the adverse effect of midline shi
ft after severe traumatic brain injury.
Methods: This study compared averaged cerebral metabolic parameters of pati
ents with midline shift > 5 mm (S) on initial computerized tomography scan
to those of patients with shift less than or equal to 5 mm (NS). The effect
of an acute subdural hematoma (SDH) was determined by separating patients
into those with and those without SDH and then re-examining the effect of s
hift in these subgroups.
Results: Four hundred fifty-four patients were studied. Cerebral metabolic
rate of oxygen (CMRo(2), in mL/100 g per min) was always lower with shift:
1.74 for SDH-S versus 2.21 for SDH-NS (p < 0.001), and 1.80 for non-SDH-S v
ersus 2.24 for non-SDB-NS (p < 0.001). No other major effects of shift were
seen in SDH patients. Among non-SDH patients, shift was associated with hi
gher intracranial pressure (ICP): 23.1 mm Hg versus 16.3 mm Hg (p < 0.001),
Other differences between shift and nonshift patients in the non-SDH group
were due at least in part to interventions to treat the elevated ICP.
Conclusion:Midline shift after severe traumatic brain injury is associated
with reduced CMRo(2), regardless of whether or not SDH is present. The dele
terious effects of subdural blood may be related more to the mass effect of
large SDHs than to the biochemical abnormalities caused by small amounts o
f blood in the subdural space.