The local Universe displays a rich hierarchical pattern of galaxy clusters
and superclusters(1,2). The early Universe, however, was almost smooth, wit
h only slight 'ripples', as seen in the cosmic microwave background radiati
on(3). Models of the evolution of cosmic structure link these observations
through the effect of gravity, because the small initially overdense fluctu
ations are predicted to attract additional mass as the Universe expands(4).
During the early stages of this expansion, the ripples evolve independentl
y, like linear waves on the surface of deep water. As the structures grow i
n mass, they interact with each other in nonlinear ways, more like waves br
eaking in shallow water. We have recently shown(5) how cosmic structure can
be characterized by phase correlations associated with these nonlinear int
eractions, but it was not clear how to use that information to obtain quant
itative insights into the growth of structures. Here we report a method of
revealing phase information, and show quantitatively how this relates to th
e formation of filaments, sheets and clusters of galaxies by nonlinear coll
apse. We develop a statistical method based on information entropy to separ
ate linear from nonlinear effects, and thereby are able to disentangle thos
e aspects of galaxy clustering that arise from initial conditions (the ripp
les) from the subsequent dynamical evolution.