Aim: Objective of this prospective study was to find out, if especially the
volume of large nodular goitres con be determined accurately by using ultr
asonography and the ellipsoid model. Methods: 100 patients with different t
hyroid disorders, who oil underwent a thyroid resection, were examined by a
single experienced investigator. The preoperative thyroid volume was deter
mined by ultrasonography and correlated to the sum of surgically removed an
d postoperative thyroid volume determined by ultrasound. Results: Patients
included had thyroid volumes between 12 and 450 ml (mean value 89 ml). With
in the whole study group, coefficients of correlation and variation were r
= 0.90 and CV = 0.29, respectively. The mean difference between the thyroid
volume determined preoperatively by ultrasonography and the sum of surgica
lly removed and postoperative thyroid volume was 3 +/- 27 ml or 13 +/- 38%.
Excluding patients with retrosternal goitres or cysts with a diameter >2 c
m, the correlation coefficient increased to r = 0.95 (CV = 0,21) and mean d
ifferences decreased to 2 +/- 20 ml and 9 +/- 30%. Further subdivision acco
rding to thyroid volume (less than or equal to 50 ml, less than or equal to
100 ml, >100 ml) revealed no significant influence of thyroid volume on th
e accuracy of ultrasound volume determination. Subdividing the study collec
tive according thyroid disorders, relevant deviations of preoperative sonog
raphic thyroid volume from the sum of surgically removed and post-operative
thyroid volume were observed in case of retrosternal goitre (19 +/- 62%),
cystic degeneration (41 +/- 52%) and Graves' disease (23 +/- 29%). Conclusi
on: These results show, that even large suprosternal goitres >100 mi con be
sufficiently determined by ultrasound by an experienced examiner.