The resolution of many viewing and staring systems is often restricted by t
he spatial limited resolution of its sensing device rather than by diffract
ion limits related to the optical system. This spatial resolution of the se
nsor, when limited by the pixels' dimensions, is coined hereby "geometrical
resolution." We suggest a technique for overcoming this limit, thus obtain
ing "geometrical superresolution." The proposed approach is based on captur
ing a set of images, interlacing their pixels and applying special filterin
g over the interlaced image. The number of the captured images N correspond
s to the desired resolution improvement. Each image in the set is captured
after a lateral shift of the sensor by a subpixel distance of Delta x/N, wh
ere Delta x is the size of the sensor's pixel. The main contribution is in
designing a special energetic efficient mask that is attached to the sensin
g plane. Without this mask, unrecoverable resolution loss prevents a qualit
ative reconstruction to be obtained. (C) 2000 Society of Photo-Optical Inst
rumentation Engineers, [S0091-3286(00)03107-X].