The semi-arid Northern Cape is the largest and most sparsely populated prov
ince in South Africa. One of the main economic activities is sheep farming,
and the properties are generally very large (>5 000 ha). A heterogeneous e
nvironment results in many habitats fora wide diversity of raptors. Fifty-o
ne different species have been recorded, of which 37 are resident, 21 are c
ommon, and eight species are listed in the South African Red Data Book - Bi
rds. As habitat degradation is limited, besides the areas immediately adjac
ent to the perennial rivers, raptors are still commonly encountered in many
areas. Conflict with small-stock farming, however, results in some birds b
eing inadvertently or directly persecuted each year. Two farmer questionnai
re postal surveys (1976 and 1992) indicated a decrease in range and abundan
ce of certain scavenging species, such as the Tawny Eagle. The more recent
survey also indicated that most stock mortalities occurred in the mountaino
us areas, with the Black Eagle being the apparent culprit. Zn the Northern
Cape there are both positive and negative anthropogenic effects on raptors.
For example, 14 species have been recorded breeding on man-made structures
, while 18 species have been documented to drown in farm reservoirs. Throug
h the activities of the Raptor Conservation Group, the Northern Cape Nature
Conservation Service and the Northern Cape Raptor Conservation Forum vario
us threats are being addressed. Raptor conservation activities include: mon
itoring of raptor breeding populations, road censuses, farmer extension, es
tablishment of raptor conservancies, rehabilitation of injured raptors, iss
uing of certificates to land-owners who have breeding raptors on their prop
erties, presentation of the annual Gariep Raptor Conservationist Award, pro
duction and distribution of raptor pamphlets and booklets, modification of
farm reservoirs to prevent raptor drownings, modification of powerlines to
prevent electrocutions, and establishment of "vulture restaurants". Through
these efforts, the status of many raptor species is improving and species
such as the Bateleur and Lappet-faced Vulture are becoming increasingly com