Anoxia-reoxygenation leads to severe metabolic alterations, which resu
lt in a generalized inflammatory reaction and multiple organ dysfuncti
on. Direct blood transfusion limits these alterations, but is accompan
ied by risk of transmission of infections or viral diseases. To avoid
these risks, <<blood substitutes>> have been designed. The modified he
moglobins are not true blood substitutes because they do not possess t
he complex functions of erythrocytes. They are only oxygen carriers, w
ith a short intravascular life, adapted for temporary use. They are st
able, devoid of toxicity and antigenicity, and are able to carry and d
eliver O-2 without regulation of this oxygen transport and without che
mical reaction with O-2. They possess theologic properties and an onco
tic pressure like those of blood. The use of natural hemoglobin soluti
ons, obtained after lysis of erythrocytes, remains ''at risk'' because
these solutions easily form methemoglobin, increase the oncotic press
ure, present renal toxicity, and possess a too high affinity for O-2.
For these reasons, 5 types of modified hemoglobin solutions have been
designed, prepared from human or bovine hemoglobin or by genetic engin
eering. These hemoglobins are highly purified to eliminate trace amoun
ts of stroma, lipids and endotoxins, which are responsible for acute t
oxicity. They are modified by internal cross-linking between the monom
ers, or by binding to macromolecules. Afterwards, they can be polymeri
zed or encapsulated in liposomes. The purpose of these modifications i
s to modulate the affinity for O-2 (by decreasing the binding of O-2 a
nd increasing its delivery to tissue), to reduce the dissociation into
monomers and to guard against oxidation into methemoglobin. Encapsula
tion in liposomes allows co-encapsulation of effector molecules and pr
otective substances. Genetic engineering allows the production of reco
mbinant hemoglobin with selective modifications. The modified hemoglob
in solutions are essentially used in hemorrhagic shock and perioperati
ve hemodilution. Experimental work in animals has afforded good result
s: restoration of normal O-2 pressure and no toxicity. These assays al
low frequent observation of an unexpected rapid hypertensive effect, t
ransient, reversible, and that could be controlled by antihypertensive
drugs. The mechanisms of this hypertensive effect remain controverted
(stimulation of endothelin production, inhibition of nitric oxide eff
ects, etc.). In humans, studies with healthy volunteers have been comp
leted, while phase II clinical studies are under way in hypovolemic sh
ock, in major abdominal, orthopedic and cardiac surgery, in stroke and
in intensive care patients after surgery. The detailed results are aw
aited, but the modified hemoglobin solutions already appear to be with
out toxicity and present the same hypertensive effect as observed in a
nimals. However, until now only low doses have been used, and the cata
bolism of these solutions remains largely unknown.