We present a detailed experimental study of the physics involved in transfe
rring atoms from a magnetooptical trap (MOT) to an optical dipole trap. The
loading is a dynamical process determined by a loading rate and a density
dependent loss rate. The loading rate depends on cooling and the flux of at
oms into the trapping volume, and the loss rate is due to excited state col
lisions induced by the MOT light fields. From this study we found ways to o
ptimize the loading of the optical dipole trap. Key ingredients for maximum
loading are found to be a reduction of the hyperfine repump intensity, inc
reased detuning of the MOT light, and a displacement of the optical dipole
trap center with respect to the MOT. A factor of 2 increase in the number o
f loaded atoms is demonstrated by using a hyperfine repump beam with a shad
ow in it. In this way we load 8 X 10(6) Rb-85 atoms into a 1 mK deep optica
l dipole trap with a waist of 58 mu m, which is 40% of the atoms initially
trapped in the MOT.