The photon production rate from a chemically;equilibrating quark-gluon plas
ma likely to be produced at RHIC (BNL) and LHC (CERN) energies is estimated
taking into account bremsstrahlung. The plasma is assumed to be in local t
hermal equilibrium, but with a phase space distribution that deviates from
the Fermi or Bose distribution by space-time dependent factors (fugacities)
. The photon spectrum is obtained by integrating the photon rate over the s
pace-time history of the plasma, adopting a boost invariant cylindrically s
ymmetric transverse expansion of the system with different nuclear profile
functions. Initial conditions obtained from a self-screened parton cascade
calculation and, for comparison, from the HIJING model are used. Compared t
o an equilibrated plasma at the same initial energy density, taken from the
self-screened parton cascade, a moderate suppression of the photon yield b
y a factor of 1 to 5 depending on the collision energy and the photon momen
tum is observed. The individual contributions to the photon production, how
ever, are completely different in the both scenarios.