Search for an invisibly decaying Higgs boson in e(+)e(-) collisions at root s=183-189 GeV

Acciarri, M Achard, P Adriani, O Aguilar-Benitez, M Alcaraz, J Alemanni, G Allaby, J Aloisio, A Alviggi, MG Ambrosi, G Anderhub, H Andreev, VP Angelescu, T Anselmo, F Arefiev, A Azemoon, T Aziz, T Bagnaia, P Bajo, A Baksay, L Balandras, A Baldew, SV Banerjee, S Banerjee, SW Barczyk, A Barillere, R Barone, L Bartalini, P Basile, M Battiston, R Bay, A Becattini, F Becker, U Behner, F Bellucci, L Berbeco, R Berdugo, J Berges, P Bertucci, B Betev, BL Bhattacharya, S Biasini, M Biland, A Blaising, JJ Blyth, SC Bobbink, GJ Bohm, A Boldizsar, L Borgia, B Bourilkov, D Bourquin, M Braccini, S Branson, JG Brigljevic, V Brochu, F Buffini, A Buijs, A Burger, JD Burger, WJ Cai, XD Campanelli, M Capell, M Romeo, GC Carlino, G Cartacci, AM Casaus, J Castellini, G Cavallari, F Cavallo, N Cecchi, C Cerrada, M Cesaroni, F Chamizo, M Chang, YH Chaturvedi, UK Chemarin, M Chen, A Chen, G Chen, GM Chen, HF Chen, HS Chiefari, G Cifarelli, L Cindolo, F Civinini, C Clare, I Clare, R Goignet, G Colino, N Costantini, S Cotorobai, F Cozzoni, B de la Cruz, B Csilling, A Cucciarelli, S Dai, TS van Dalen, JA D'Alessandro, R de Asmundis, R Deglon, P Degre, A Deiters, K della Volpe, D Delmeire, E Denes, P DeNotaristefani, F De Salvo, A Diemoz, M Dierckxsens, M van Dierendonck, D Di Lodovico, F Dionisi, C Dittmar, M Dominguez, A Doria, A Dova, MT Duchesneau, D Dufournaud, D Duinker, P Duran, I El Mamouni, H Engler, A Eppling, FJ Erne, FC Extermann, P Fabre, M Faccini, R Falagan, MA Falciano, S Favara, A Fay, J Fedin, O Felcini, M Ferguson, T Ferroni, F Fesefeldt, H Fiandrini, E Field, JH Filthaut, F Fisher, PH Fisk, I Forconi, G Freudenreich, K Furetta, C Galaktionov, Y Ganguli, SN Garcia-Abia, P Gataullin, M Gau, SS Gentile, S Gheordanescu, N Giagu, S Gong, ZF Grenier, G Grimm, O Gruenewald, MW Guida, M van Gulik, R Gupta, VK Gurtu, A Gutay, LJ Haas, D Hasan, A Hatzifotiadou, D Hebbeker, T Herve, A Hidas, P Hirschfelder, J Hofer, H Holzner, G Hoorani, H Hou, SR Hu, Y Iashvili, I Jin, BN Jones, LW de Jong, P Josa-Mutuberria, I Khan, R Kaur, M Kienzle-Focacci, MN Kim, D Kim, JK Kirkby, J Kiss, D Kittel, W Klimentov, A Konig, AC Kopp, A Koutsenko, V Kraber, M Kraemer, RW Krenz, W Kruger, A Kunin, A de Guevara, PL Laktineh, I Landi, G Lassila-Perini, K Lebeau, M Lebedev, A Lebrun, P Lecomte, P Lecoq, P Le Coultre, P Lee, HJ Le Goff, JM Leiste, R Leonardi, E Levtchenko, P Li, C Likhoded, S Lin, CH Lin, WT Linde, FL Lista, L Liu, ZA Lohmann, W Longo, E Lu, YS Lubelsmeyer, K Luci, C Luckey, D Lugnier, L Luminari, L Lustermann, W Ma, WG Maity, M Malgeri, L Malinin, A Mana, C Mangeol, D Mans, J Marchesini, P Marian, GH Martin, JP Marzano, F Mazumdar, K McNeil, RR Mele, S Merola, L Meschini, M Metzger, WJ von der Mey, M Mihul, A Milcent, H Mirabelli, G Mnich, J Mohanty, GB Molnar, P Monteleoni, B Moulik, T Muanza, GS Muijs, AJM Musy, M Napolitano, M Nessi-Tedaldi, F Newman, H Niessen, T Nisati, A Nawak, H Organtini, G Oulianov, A Palomares, C Pandoulas, D Paoletti, S Paolucci, P Paramatti, R Park, HK Park, IH Pascale, G Passaleva, G Patricelli, S Paul, T Pauluzzi, M Paus, C Pauss, F Pedace, M Pensotti, S Perret-Gallix, D Petersen, B Piccolo, D Pierella, F Pieri, M Piroue, PA Pistolesi, E Plyaskin, V Pohl, M Pojidaev, V Postema, H Pothier, J Prokofiev, DO Prokofiev, D Quartieri, J Rahal-Callot, G Rahaman, MA Raics, P Raja, N Ramelli, R Rancoita, PG Raspereza, A Raven, G Razis, P Ren, D Rescigno, M Reucroft, S Riemann, S Riles, K Robohm, A Rodin, J Roe, BP Romero, L Rosca, A Rosier-Lees, S Rubio, JA Ruschmeier, D Rykaczewski, H Saremi, S Sarkar, S Salicio, J Sanchez, E Sanders, MP Sarakinos, ME Schafer, C Schegelsky, V Schmidt-Kaerst, S Schmitz, D Schopper, H Schotanus, DJ Schwering, G Sciacca, C Sciarrino, D Seganti, A Servoli, L Shevchenko, S Shivarov, N Shoutko, V Shumilov, E Shvorob, A Siedenburg, T Son, D Smith, B Spillantini, P Steuer, M Stickland, DP Stone, A Stoyanov, B Straessner, A Sudhakar, K Sultanov, G Sun, LZ Suter, H Swain, JD Szillasi, Z Sztaricskai, T Tang, XW Tauscher, L Taylor, L Tellili, B Timmermans, C Ting, SCC Ting, SM Tonwar, SC Toth, J Tully, C Tung, KL Uchida, Y Ulbricht, J Valente, E Vesztergombi, G Vetlitsky, I Vicinanza, D Viertel, G Villa, S Vivargent, M Vlachos, S Vodopianov, I Vogel, H Vogt, H Vorobiev, I Vorobyov, AA Vorvolakos, A Wadhwa, M Wallraff, W Wang, M Wang, XL Wang, ZM Weber, A Weber, M Wienemann, P Wilkens, H Wu, SX Wynhoff, S Xia, L Xu, ZZ Yamamoto, J Yang, BZ Yang, CG Yang, HJ Yang, M Ye, JB Yeh, SC Zalite, A Zalite, Y Zhang, ZP Zhu, GY Zhu, RY Zichichi, A Zilizi, G Zoller, M
M. Acciarri et al., Search for an invisibly decaying Higgs boson in e(+)e(-) collisions at root s=183-189 GeV, PHYS LETT B, 485(1-3), 2000, pp. 85-94
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Journal title
ISSN journal
03702693 → ACNP
Year of publication
85 - 94
SICI code
A search for a Higgs boson decaying into invisible particles is performed u sing the data collected at LEP by the L3 experiment at centre-of-mass energ ies of 183 GeV and 189 GeV. The integrated luminosities are respectively 55 .3 pb(-1) and 176.4 pb(-1). The observed candidates are consistent with the expectations from Standard Model processes. In the hypothesis that the pro duction cross section of this Higgs boson equals the Standard Model one and the branching ratio into invisible particles is 100%, a lower mass limit o f 89.2 GeV is set at 95% confidence level. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. A ll rights reserved.