Analysis of previously published sets of DNA microarray gene expression dat
a by singular value decomposition has uncovered underlying patterns or "cha
racteristic modes" in their temporal profiles. These patterns contribute un
equally to the structure of the expression profiles. Moreover, the essentia
l features of a given set of expression profiles are captured using just a
small number of characteristic modes. This leads to the striking conclusion
that the transcriptional response of a genome is orchestrated in a few fun
damental patterns of gene expression change. These patterns are both simple
and robust, dominating the alterations in expression of genes throughout t
he genome. Moreover, the characteristic: modes of gene expression change in
response to environmental perturbations are similar in such distant organi
sms as yeast and human cells. This analysis reveals simple regularities in
the seemingly complex transcriptional transitions of diverse cells to new s
tates, and these provide insights into the operation of the underlying gene
tic networks.