West Bohemian earthquake swarms are used to determine the parameters of sim
ple homogeneous velocity models of the individual subregions of the given a
rea, based on a group of earthquakes that occurred in these subregions. The
grid search method is used for location. Models yielding the minimum sum o
f squares of the travel-time residua in locating the whole group of earthqu
akes in the given subregion are considered suitable. Relocation obtained by
gr id search is compared with that obtained by the FASTHYPO method. The co
mputations indicate that the subregions under consideration can be, from th
e paint of view of earthquake location, sufficiently represented by homogen
eous models, but the models differ for the data from different subregions.
The velocities of these models are given. The models under consideration ar
e compared with some of the previously published 1-D models of the broader
region of Western Bohemia.