Since September 1997, 58 patients have received a newly developed all-metal
hip prosthesis at the department of orthopaedic surgery, University Hospit
al Vienna. In a retrospective study, the migration profile of 26 acetabular
components of these prostheses with all-metal cups was evaluated. A total
of 25 patients (10 men, 15 women, mean age 61 years) who had been operated
on earlier than 11 months previously were studied. indications included cox
arthrosis (15), congenital dysplasia of the hip (7), post-traumatic coxarth
rosis (3), and change of the implant due to infection (1). Twenty-three pat
ients (7 men, 16 women; mean age 63 years) with 25 metal-hacked polyethylen
e implants and matched demographic data, indications and cup size, served a
s the group for comparison. The mean duration of follow-up for both groups
was 14 months. For analysis of migration a modified version of Dickob's met
hod for digital measurement of comparative hip radiographs was used. Measur
ements were performed three times by one examiner. Migration values of more
than 2.0 mm were regarded as a sign of possible cup loosening. After 13 to
20 months the average migration was -0.10 mm in horizontal and 0.18 mm in
Vertical direction for all-metal prostheses, and -0.20 mm horizontally and
0.47 mm vertically for the other group. Mean migration values exceeded the
critical limit of 2.0 mm in two patients in the all-metal group, one of wt-
tom also had clinical signs of cup loosening. The covariance analysis of th
e highest migration levels of each patient revealed no significant differen
ces between the groups; the postoperative Harris hip score was 98 points (r
ange, 93-100) in the air-metal group and 97 (range, 92-100) in the other. P
rovided metal is carefully processed and cups are initially stable, the all
-metal implants have equivalent in-growth as expressed by the migration ana
lysis, and thus constitute an alternative therapeutic modality without poly
ethylene components.