Thyroid nodules are the commonest disorder presenting to the endocrine surg
eon, Most of the lesions are benign, but the principal problem facing the c
linician is that of identifying the malignant nodule requiring surgery. Cur
rent diagnostic methods are reviewed, and the role of intraoperative frozen
section in particular is examined in a series of 155 patients undergoing t
hyroidectomy for solitary thyroid nodule, It is concluded that when the fin
e-needle aspiration cytology (FNA) result is malignant intraoperative froze
n section is unnecessary and contributes little to the management. Frozen s
ection, however, is considered to be of value when the FNA result is report
ed as benign, suspicious, or inadequate. It permits identification of many
malignant lesions that would otherwise require a second operation to comple
te a total thyroidectomy. Details of the indications for surgery and the op
erative strategy are discussed.