Tubulovillous adenoma of the duodenum have a high potential for malignant t
ransformation. An exact preoperative staging and an accurate histological e
xamination are essential in order to choose a prop er therapeutic strategy.
We report on difficulties in the diagnostic and therapeutic process of a pa
tient With a tubulovillous, juxtapapillary, duodenal adenoma. The adenoma h
ad been resected by means of submucosal excision after infiltrative growth
had been excluded endosonographically and malignancy had been ruled out by
the histological examination of a taken biopsy. Furthermore no malignant ch
anges had been found in the resected material. However an early recurrence
of the tumor questioned the correctness of the first diagnosis. In fact, a
retrospective histological examination of the resected specimen revealed an
adenocarcinoma, which had been overlooked primarily. Finally the patient u
nderwent duodenopancreatectomy and remains without signs of tumor recurrenc
e so far. Conclusions:
1. Microinvasion of the submucosa can not be excluded endosonographically.
Therefore endosonography can not specify the dignity of an unknown tumor wi
th a sufficient safety, especially if there is only an intramural growth of
the turner without transmural spread.
2. Because of high recurrence rates and a distinct frequency of malignant t
ransformation of duodenal adenomas, a submucosal resection should only he p
erformed in high-risk patient.
3. In that patients the resected material has to he examined as accurately
and subtly as possible to rule out a submucosal microinvasion.
4. Based on the above mentioned radical surgery (duodenopancreatectomy) sho
uld he performed in all normal risk patients with juxtapapillary adenomas.