The radiation absorption profiles on the surfaces of TiO2 films in a corrug
ated-plate photocatalytic reactor were modeled based on first principles. A
new term, the local-area-specific rate of energy absorption (LASREA), was
adopted to describe the catalyst surface radiation in heterogeneous photore
actors. The LASREA and the energy absorption efficiency were both quite sen
sitive to the dimensions of the corrugated plates. Due to the multiple phot
on reflections between the opposing surfaces, corrugated plates possess a s
uperior capability for recapturing longer wavelength photons that would oth
erwise be reflected out of some reactor designs. This results in higher ene
rgy absorption efficiency and more uniform LASREA on the catalyst films. Co
mpared to a flat plate, corrugations are predicted to enhance the energy ab
sorption efficiency by up to 50% for UV-A fluorescent-lamp-powered systems
and more than 100% for solar-powered systems.