Topological properties of potential energy and electronic density dist
ribution on five reaction paths X + H-2 --> XH + H(X = H, N, HN, H2C,
NC) are investigated at the level of UMP2/6-311G(d, p). It has been fo
und that in the region of the reaction paths studied, where B(r(c))\(s
) > 0 [B(r(c))\(s) is the product of rho(r(c)) and del(2) rho(r(c)) at
the point of reaction process, i.e., B(r(c))\(s) = rho(r(c))del(2) rh
o(r(c))] is basically the same as the region of V ''(s) < 0 [V''(s) is
the second derivative of potential energy with respect to the reactio
n coordinate, i.e., V ''(s) = d(2)V/ds(2)], and the point with maximum
B(r(c))\(s) is almost coincident with the point of minimum V ''(s). I
t can be concluded from the calculated results that there is a good co
rrelation between the topological properties of potential energy and e
lectronic density distribution along the reaction path. The structure
transition state of such collinear reactions may be determined by topo
logical analysis of electronic density. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons,