Whether volatile anesthetics have an effect on the peripheral chemoreceptor
s is controversial, possibly because of differences in end-tidal CO2 concen
trations. We studied the effect of isoflurane on the hypoxic chemosensitivi
ty of carotid body chemoreceptors at three different Paco(2) levels before
and during the administration of 1.0% isoflurane (0.5 minimum alveolar anes
thetic concentration) in six normothermic New Zealand white rabbits anesthe
tized with thiopental. The response of the chemoreceptors was fitted to the
equation: Frequency (Hz) = a + b x Paco(2) + c x (1/Pao(2)) + D x (1/Pao(2
))(2). Mean values for the coefficients a, b, c and d for the control state
were -4.5, 0.13, 771, and 6332, respectively. This relationship was not ch
anged by addition of isoflurane at 1.0% end-tidal concentration (P = 0.40,
analysis of variance). We conclude that isoflurane at 1.0% end-tidal concen
tration does not depress the hypoxic response of rabbit carotid body chemor
eceptors during either hypo-, normo-, or hypercapnia.