Facklamia spp, are gram-positive cocci, arranged in short chains or diplos,
and resemble viridans streptococci on 5% sheep blood agar, Eighteen strain
s representing four species of Facklamia were isolated from blood cultures,
an abscess, bone, cerebrospinal fluid, gall bladder, vaginal swab, and one
unknown source. Cultures were tested against 15 antimicrobial agents by us
ing the broth microdilution MIC method, Reduced susceptibilities to the bet
a lactams, erythromycin, clindamycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and te
tracycline were found, These results indicate that the susceptibilities of
the Facklamia species are varied and that some strains have resistance patt
erns which may present difficulty in managing systemic infections in patien