The crystal structure of the pore-forming part of the KcsA bacterial K+-sel
ective channel suggests a possible motif for related voltage-gated channels
. We examined the hypothesis that the spacial orientation of the KcsA M1 an
d M2 alpha-helices also predicts the backbone location of S5 and S6 helices
of the voltage-gated Na+ channel. That channel's P region structure is exp
ected to be different because selectivity is determined by side-chain inter
actions rather than by main-chain carbonyls, and its outer vestibule accomm
odates relatively large toxin molecules, tetrodotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin (
STX), which interact with selectivity ring residues. The Na+ channel P loop
was well-modeled by the alpha-helix-turn-beta-strand motif, which preserve
s the relationships for toxin interaction with the Na+ channel found experi
mentally. This outer vestibule was docked into the extracellular part of th
e inverted teepee structure formed by the S5 and S6 helices that were spaci
ally located by coordinates of the KcsA M1 and M2 helix main chains [Doyle
et al. (1998) Science 280, 69-74], but populated with side chains of the re
spective S5 and S6 structures, van der Waals contacts were optimized with m
inimal adjustment of the S5, S6, and P loop structures, forming a densely p
acked pore structure. Nonregular external S5-P and P-S6 segments were not m
odeled here, except the P-S6 segment of domain II. The resulting selectivit
y region structure is consistent with Nai channel permeation properties, of
fering suggestions for the molecular processes involved in selectivity. The
ability to construct a Na+ channel pore model consistent with most of the
available biophysical and mutational information suggests that the KcsA str
uctural framework may be conserved in voltage-gated channels.