Community structure and composition of the coastal fynbos and rocky headlan
d plant communities south of George, southern Cape, were studied. Vegetatio
n was analysed using standard sampling procedures of the floristic-sociolog
ical approach of Braun-Blanquet The releve data were subject to TWINSPAN-ba
sed divisive classification, and ordinated by Principal Coordinates Analysi
s with the aim to identify Vegetation coenocline subsequently interpreted i
n terms of underlying environmental gradients. Most of the sampled vegetati
on was classified as coastal fynbos. The Leucadendron salignum-Tetraria cus
pidata Fynbos Community was found to occupy sheltered habitats. whereas the
Relhania calycina-Pusserina vulgaris Fynbos Community was found in exposed
habitats. The other two communities characterise strongly exposed rocky he
adlands. The Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus-Ruschia tenella Community is wind
-sheared scrub, and the Gazania rigens- Limonium scabrum Rocky Headland Com
munity is a loose-canopy, low-grown herbland, characterised by the occurren
ce of partly salt-tolerant and succulent herbs. The ordination of the fynbo
s communities revealed a horseshoe structure allowing a direct recognition
of a coenocline spanning two fynbos communities along the Axis 1 interprete
d in terms of exposure to wind and salt spray. A considerable amount of ali
en plant infestation was also present. This appears to be the largest threa
t to the continued existence of this coastal fynbos.