The processes whereby developing neurones acquire morphological features th
at are common to entire populations (thereby allowing the definition of neu
ronal types) are still poorly understood. A mathematical model of neuronal
arborizations may be useful to extract basic parameters or organization rul
es, hence helping to achieve a better understanding of the underlying growt
h processes.
We present a parsimonious statistical model, intended to describe the topol
ogical organization of neuritic arborizations with a minimal number of para
meters. It is based on a probability of splitting which depends only on the
centrifugal order of segments. We compare the predictions made by the mode
l of several topological properties of neurones with the corresponding actu
al values measured on a sample of honeybee (olfactory) antennal lobe neuron
es grown in primary culture, described in a previous study. The comparison
is performed for three populations of segments corresponding to three neuro
nal morphological types previously identified and described in this sample.
We show that simple assumptions together with the knowledge of a very smal
l number of parameters allow the topological reconstruction of representati
ve (bi-dimensional) biological neurones. We discuss the biological signific
ance tin terms of possible factors involved in the determinism of neuronal
types) of both common properties and cell-type specific features, observed
on the neurones and predicted by the model. (C) 2000 Society for Mathematic
al Biology.