PURPOSE: The purpose of this study aas to examine risk perceptions and inte
rest in genetic testing among African American and White patients with colo
rectal cancer.
DESCRIPTION OF STUDY: In this cross-sectional study, 38 patients with color
ectal cancer participated in a brief structured telephone interview. Inform
ation was collected on knowledge and risk perceptions regarding colorectal
cancer genetics, health behaviors, knowledge about the availability of gene
tic testing, and interest in genetic testing for colorectal cancer suscepti
RESULTS: Sixty-one percent of the participants were worried about their rel
atives' risk of colorectal cancer. and 64% were concerned about being a col
orectal cancer susceptibility gene carrier, Although 81% of the participant
s reported that they had never heard about a genetic test for colorectal ca
ncer susceptibility, 72% stated that they would want to take the test if it
were available. Predictors of intention to have a genetic test were younge
r age, less advanced stage of disease, and more frequent thoughts about col
orectal cancer being hereditary.
CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: These results suggest that the demand for genetic te
sting may be great, despite a general lack of knowledge about colorectal ca
ncer genetics and the potential risks and limitations of testing. Education
and counseling about cancer genetics and genetic testing may clarify misco
nceptions about hereditary colorectal cancer and help patients with colorec
tal cancer and their family members make informed decisions about whether t
o undergo testing.