The establishment and development of the Population and Habitat Viability A
ssessment (PHVA) course at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust is descr
ibed. Through informal comments from participants on all courses, and feedb
ack from a basic assessment from the 1999 course, areas of strength and wea
kness relevant to both the future development of this particular course and
the establishment of similar courses elsewhere were identified. The course
has been well received and has gone through a series of progressive change
s since 1995. The major weakness of the course is that participants wish th
e course to be longer; at present they do not feel they have mastered the s
kills of facilitation in the short time available (although this was never
the aim, as the course is supposed to act as an introduction to a set of sk
ills and an awareness of issues, the mastering of which is a lifetime's wor
k). It was encouraging to hear from participants that many of them feel tha
t they are putting skills learned on the course to regular use and that the
y would strongly recommend the course to colleagues.