Background: In Ethiopia, the prevalence of blindness has been estimated to
be 1.5%, According to a survey done in collaboration with WHO in 1981, the
leading cause of blindness in Ethiopia was trachoma (42%) followed by catar
act (29%), The problem is mainly seen in the rural areas of the country.
Objective: To determine the prevalence and associated risk factors of trach
oma in a rural locality of north-western Ethiopia,
Design: Cross-sectional survey.
Subjects: One thousand seven hundred and eighteen individuals participated
in the study.
Main outcome measures. Grades of trachoma - the WHO simplified method of cl
inical signs was used to determine the various grades of trachoma.
Results: The overall prevalence rate of trachoma of the locality was 59.2%
while the prevalence rate of active trachoma was found to be 52.4%, Higher
frequency of trachoma was observed among females aged 15 years and above th
an males of the corresponding age group, and this finding was statistically
significant (chi(2) -test, p < 0.001), Child care-taking among women, habi
ts and frequency of face washing, presence of cooking places in living room
s and sharing of same rooms with animals have been found to be highly assoc
iated with trachoma (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the following recommendatio
ns are made, among others: (i) the development of a system aimed at educati
ng and convincing the people to maintain high personal and environmental hy
giene and; (ii) the strengthening of the nearby health centres to incorpora
te activities like correction of lid deformities to prevent further loss of
eye vision due to corneal damage are recommended.