The increasing application of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the spine
has raised the awareness of lumbar facet synovial cysts (LFSC). This well r
ecognised, yet uncommon condition, presents with low back pain and radiculo
pathy due to the presence of an extradural mass. The commonest affected lev
el is L4/5 with a mild degenerative spondylolisthesis a frequent associated
finding. MR imaging is the technique of choice to detect and diagnose a LF
SC. This pictorial essay, drawing on experience of 43 cases seen in 40 pati
ents, illustrates the spectrum of appearances that can be encountered and s
uggest differing causes for the variable signal characteristics exhibited.
Computed tomography (CT) can be of value in some cases to aid interpretatio
n of the MR images. In addition, CT facet arthrography by injection of air
or iodinated non-ionic contrast medium may be used to confirm the diagnosis
in doubtful cases as well as noting whether the patients presenting sympto
ms can be provoked. A comprehensive review of the existing literature is pr