The polar clusters generated by random non-central impurities in quantum pa
raelectrics determine to a great extent the complex dielectric behaviour ob
served in systems like SCT, KTN or KTL. The competition between a quantum p
araelectric phase and an impurity-driven ferroelectric or glass phase depen
ds on the concentration and on the nature of the interaction between cluste
rs. This work presents a simple model in which each cluster is represented
by a quantum two level system involving an effective Ising dipolar moment e
ta and a tunneling energy A. The interactions between clusters are taken in
to account by following the guide-lines of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick mode
l for spin glasses. General expressions for the polarization (P) and the Ed
wards-Anderson order parameter (q) are given and the phase diagram involvin
g temperature, the normalized mean interaction energy J(0)/J and tunneling
energy A/J(0) is built.