The dependence of the convergence properties of iterative solution algorith
ms on the specific integral equation formulation that is discretized to des
cribe the electromagnetic scattering from one-dimensional (1-D) rough, high
loss surfaces is examined. A magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) formu
lated using impedance boundary conditions typically used to describe vertic
ally polarized (VV) scattering from large-conductivity, single-valued open
surfaces yields well-conditioned interaction matrices that lead to quick co
nvergence. The corresponding electric field integral equation (EFIE) typica
lly used for horizontal polarization (HH) (found from duality) results in m
uch poorer conditioning, with correspondingly slower convergence. An impeda
nce-boundary condition magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) valid at hor
izontal polarization is formulated that leads to convergence nearly as rapi
d that observed with the vertical polarization MFIE. Numerical integration
of some off-diagonal terms is required to prevent a strong singularity in t
he HH MFIE from introducing errors in the calculated far field scattering.
A simple example also shows that the EFIE and MFIE for the same polarizatio
n can be linearly combined to improve the convergence characteristics with
lossy closed-body problems, analogous to the combined field integral equati
on (CFIE) perfectly conducting case.