Image reconstruction directly from backprojected images has two advantages
over projection-data based reconstruction for 3D PET: i) 3D backprojected i
mages offer data compression compared to large 4D projection data sets and
ii) full spatial sampling accuracy of the scanner is retained (unlike with
projection-data mashing). This second advantage can be useful for scanners
with large numbers of possible lines of response (LORs), as a backprojected
image preserves the positional accuracy of the LORs (which can otherwise b
e compromised by binning into projections). This work presents an algorithm
for penalised least squares (PLS) reconstruction directly from 3D backproj
ected images. All the data can be used, and the shift-variant 3D point resp
onse function of the scanner can be accounted for. The proposed algorithm w
as compared with the ISRA and BPF reconstruction algorithms, and was found
to converge significantly more quickly than ISRA and to offer some improvem
ents in noise-contrast behaviour in cold regions when compared to BPF. Howe
ver, with current computational limitations, the algorithm can only practic
ally be applied to images up to a maximum size of 64x64x64 voxels.