A procedure for estimating the flashover probability of aged nonceramic ins
ulators in-service is presented. The study was carried out using two types
of 138 kV EPDM line post insulators received from the Florida Power and Lig
ht system. Presented are the laboratory characterization of the naturally c
ontaminated insulators, the development of a linear regression model, and t
he estimation of the statistical parameters that define the relation betwee
n probability of failure and applied voltage for a given contamination leve
l. The results obtained in the laboratory were in agreement with the curren
t and past held experience. Conservative probabilities of flashover were es
timated under the assumption of a cumulative normal distribution. The estim
ators of the parameters that define the normal distribution were assessed w
ith the original Up and Down method. The results suggest that for one type
of EPDM insulator, contamination flashover performance was distinctly infer
ior to the other.