Context Recent marked increases in adolescent smoking indicate a need for n
ew prevention approaches. Whether workplace and home smoking restrictions p
lay a role in such prevention is unknown.
Objective To assess the association between workplace and home smoking rest
rictions and adolescent smoking.
Design, Setting, and Subjects Data were analyzed from 2 large national popu
lation-based surveys, the Current Population Surveys of 1992-1993 and 1995-
1996, which included 17185 adolescents aged 15 to 17 years.
Main Outcome Measures Smoking status of the adolescents surveyed, compared
by presence of home and workplace smoking restrictions.
Results After adjusting for demographics and other smokers in the household
, adolescents who lived in smoke-free households were 74% (95% confidence i
nterval [CI], 62%-88%) as likely to be smokers as adolescents who lived in
households with no smoking restrictions. Similarly, adolescents who worked
in smoke-free workplaces were 68% (95% CI, 51%-90%) as likely to be smokers
as adolescents who worked in a workplace with no smoking restrictions. Ado
lescent smokers were 1.80 (95% CI, 1.23-2.65) times more likely to be forme
r smokers if they lived in smoke-free homes. The most marked relationship o
f home smoking restrictions to current adolescent smoking occurred in house
holds where all other members were never-smokers. Current smoking prevalenc
e among adolescents in homes without smoking restrictions approached that a
mong adolescents in homes with a current smoker but with smoking restrictio
Conclusions Parents with minor children should be encouraged to adopt smoke
-free homes. Smoke-free workplaces can also augment smoking prevention. The
se findings emphasize the importance of tobacco control strategies aimed at
the entire population rather than at youth alone.