Purpose: This study evaluated prefreeze and postthaw semen quality before t
reatment in patients with different types of sarcomas and carcinomas to det
ermine whether cryopreservation would be of value for these patients.
Methods: Semen specimens were obtained from 50 normal donors and from 21 pa
tients with carcinoma and from 14 patients with sarcoma. The specimens were
cryopreserved by a standard freezing procedure using TEST-Yolk buffer. Pre
freeze and postthaw sperm motion characteristics were measured.
Results: Prefreeze total motile sperm count was significantly higher in don
ors (median: 129.6 X 10(6)/ml) than in men with carcinoma (46.9 X 10(6)/ml,
P < .001) or sarcoma (66.3 10(6)/ml, P = .04). The percent motility and pe
rcent linearity were significantly lower in patients with carcinoma. In pos
tthaw specimens, total motile sperm count, curvilinear velocity and lineari
ty were significantly lower in patients with carcinoma.
Conclusions: The two patient groups in this study had poor semen quality wh
en compared with healthy donors both before anti after cryopreservation. Sa
rcoma patients had better semen quality than carcinoma patients. As cancer
therapy in these men could significantly impair their reproductive potentia
l, these men should be advised to preserve their semen before starting trea