Root zone salinity is one of the major factors adversely affecting crop pro
duction. A saline shallow water table can contribute significantly to salin
ity increases in the root zone. A soil salinity model (LEACHC) was used to
simulate the effects of various management alternatives and initial conditi
ons on root zone salinity, given a consistently high water table. The impac
t of water table salinity levels, irrigation management strategies, soil ty
pes, and crop types on the accumulation of salts in the root zone and on cr
op yields was evaluated. There were clear differences in soil salinity accu
mulations depending upon the depth and salinity of the water table. In gene
ral, increasing water table depth reduced average soil profile salinity, as
did having lower salinity in the water table. Among the four irrigation st
rategies that were compared, the 14-day irrigation interval with replenishm
ent of 75% of evapotranspiration (ET) resulted in the lowest soil salinity.
With a 4-day interval and 50% ET replenishment, a wheat yield reduction of
nearly 40% was predicted after three years of salt accumulation. Soil type
and crop type had minimal or no impact on soil salinity accumulation. Unde
r all conditions, soil water average electrical conductivity increased duri
ng the 3-year simulation period. This trend continued when the simulation p
eriod was extended to 6 years. Under the conditions shown to develop the hi
ghest average soil salinity (high water table, low irrigation), an annual p
resowing irrigation of 125 mm caused a nearly 50% reduction in soil salinit
y at the end of the 6-year simulation period, as compared with the soil sal
inity given no presowing irrigation.