Using Putnam's (1988) metaphor of two-level games, we consider the rel
ationship between international agreements and domestic elections. We
develop a Reversion Point game to reflect the anarchy of the internati
onal system. In this game, deals last only as long as both sides conti
nue to support them. When nations form international agreements, they
do so knowing how these agreements affect future renegotiations. Rathe
r than model the electorate as an informal ratifier of agreements, we
assume that voters make deliberate choices about which party to elect.
Since agreements made prior to an election affect the deals that are
renegotiated following an election, today's agreements affect which pa
rty the electorate prefer to renegotiate agreements in the future. Thu
s, agreements affect the outcome of elections. A government's strategy
in negotiations is therefore affected by how deals influence future r
enegotiation and elections. We characterize the circumstances under wh
ich elections compel governments to accept agreements that myopically
they do not support or reject agreements that are myopically favorable